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In Quest for the right Prop bait

Well here we go,
The prop bee # 1: has been made for open water points, windy areas when you want top water baits instead of the use of spinner baits. Although I have been able to catch calm water bass in the back of pockets or around pears, 57 Deg surface temperatures is the magic number. This bait has a lot of flashes, and usually you don’t have to measure the fish.
The prop bee #2: 1st things first!! This bait was not built for anyone or designed for anyone. This bait was designed after the very first top water bait I made the “Buzzing Bee”, since the buzzing bee was a great fish catcher. I knew the shape was right, so after I built the #1; I then strongly believed the smaller bait would be better to catch fish around bream beds or in slightly pressured conditions. To paint one like a bream would have to be deadly, and guess what, I was right!! It doesn’t stop there; this bait can produce fish in any condition, over the grass and in the holes outside edge. Bream beads and shell cracker beads on the rocks, any time the water temp gets above 57 deg can be bee on any time you strongly believe you want to throw popping baits through the prop bait. An early season when the bass are on the beds your color selection just needs to be adapted.
The prop bee #3: was made like the #2 but smaller, I needed a bait to produce fish, in the fall when the bite gets tough, fish are schooling nosed up on the bank chasing bait, here’s your guy size to meet this year hatch. Although it has been proven that it may as well produce fish in the heat over the bream, when high pressure occurs, to boat traffic. This bait is not made for the wind.
The prop bee #4: This guy is coming real soon he is bigger than the #2 with the same shape. We are testing this bait now and many of the pros are real excited about it. If you see I or my pro staff out just asks to see one. I will explain the purpose of the bait at a later time.
I can’t go into the design due to the copy cats out there, but the sound each bait makes, is different and of the highest importance to the condition the sound of the bait makes. With the prop bait, I make, your fish catching ratio will double.” That’s a promise”

Thanks Brian Huskins

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